You Need To Attend The NEIYA Swap Next Saturday

Who Needs to Come? Yes, it’s a need…

  • Anyone interested in ice boating
  • Winter sports enthusiast
  • Frost biters
  • Multi hull racers cruisers
  • Sailors and non sailors
  • Veteran racers
  • Veteran cruisers
  • Looking to buy gear
  • Looking to sell gear
  • You have a need for speed

Stop by to get information. Chat with ice boat enthusiasts from around the northeast. Rub elbows with itinerant cruisers and world class DN racers. They are there to help you get on the ice for the first time or go faster. Make this the year you start ice boating.

There will be door prizes for those staying for lunch (all welcome). Not the usual nick knacks but prizes that might actually save your life. Landfall Navigation will once again pitch in with gift certificates.

Have things to sell post on the classified section and bring on Saturday. To post or view our classifieds Click

Don’t forget to pay your 2019 dues. Make things easy and pay for the luncheon as well. Our treasurer will be thankful for all those who prepay online.

Description Price
Membership $30
Memb9ership and Lunch $45
Membership for one & Lunch x2 $60
Lunch Only $15


Think Ice,


P.S. Questions? Shoot me an email.


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